VaccHealth_readme.txt May 2024 [This is from: "VaccinesSafetyAndDangers_en.htm"] Near bottom; Long Beige Box on: Myopia Blindness - Doctors are seeing children younger and younger getting worse eyesight. It may lead to blindness later in life, even by middle age. Worse each year. [12 min; 24MB] Fluvid-19 - Was "Covid" a unique virus, or a modified flu virus, with "gain of function" to an end goal of killing those lowly "infesting" the Earth? [63 min; 178MB] "Estrogen" Plastic - Our industrialized world has more and more plastics around us. The benzine ring is wreaking havoc in boys and men, simulating an "estrogen" type bio-chemical reaction. Testosterone and masculinity continues to plunge in recent decades. [24 min; 56MB] -------------- Plandemic 1 - Seen by over 1 billion people worldwide!! Watch it. [26 min; 58MB] Plandemic 2 - There is evidence that the 2020 "pandemic" was man-made and planned all along. "Get the shot" mantra and that many just trusted the experts. [75 min; 221MB] Plandemic 3 - Do the globalists consider humans (excepting themselves) to be an infestation on the Earth? The Nazis thought killing Jews to be "good"; so TODAY - do the globalists today now want most of us (via "Vaccines"?) sterilized or terminated, as a new "Final Solution"? [102 min; 268MB] CovidLand 3 - Part 3, focusing on the vaccination shots given around the world. [40 (of 122) min; 107MB] ------------------------------------------------------- Iodine - Without enough daily iodine, your IQ goes down by up to 10 points. There is a worldwide crisis of malnutrition (for several minerals). [17 (of 66) min; 35MB] Back to Eden Gardening - Using the Bible's clues to improve backyard gardening. [8 (of 18) min; 32MB] Plant Seeds - Where to buy quality garden seeds. [file; 3MB] Parasites - They don't go away. We must deal with them. Did a dog lick your face 20 years ago? Okay, then the parasites in you may be getting the best of your vitamins and minerals - every day. [14 (of 49) min; 38MB] Keto Diet - Improve your health. Eat more fat. Stop eating carbohydrates. Good oils, butter, fat are good for you and will help you lose weight, unlike all the carbs we're consuming. [18 (of 35) min; 41MB] Fat & Butter - The Carnivore Diet puts animal-based foods on top for health; "Eat one stick of butter a day". [15 min; 32MB] Be Healthy - General; One of many on-line videos discussing foods, toxins, and good health. [7 min; 17MB] Died Suddenly - Morticians, post-COVID, are seeing strange "protein" growths in the veins of the dead who got one of the COVID vaccinations. This has NEVER been seen before. They are dying without warning! [68 min; 165MB] Lion Diet - A self-restricting Carnivore-type diet of ruminate meats and fats, to improve health. [11 min; 24MB] Apeel - It can't be washed off of fruits and vegetables. The globalists have a new way of getting more chemicals-toxins into our bodies. [file; 1MB] Farming God's Way - More advice on gardening and farming in a natural way. [webPg; 2MB] Insane - "Medicating Normal", some prescription drugs are causing mind-altering side-effects that damage lives. [17 (of 75) min; 50MB]